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New AI Product Image

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Upload 20 images of the subject (or anything between 4-30). Images should include subject in different variations, expressions, poses and backgrounds.

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A few details ahead

  • Model will be saved for 30 days.
  • Processing fine-tune should take 90 minutes, but could take longer depending on the queue
  • After the fine-tune is processed, your prompts will start generating. Each prompt should take about 2 minutes.


  • Upload 10-20 pictures of your subject. Preferably shot or cropped to 1:1 aspect ratio.
  • We recommend uploading 3 photos of full body or entire object + 5 medium shot photos + 10 close ups.
  • Variation is key - Use different backgrounds and lighting, and show it fromvariety of angles. Every picture of your subject should introduce new info about your subject.
  • Whatever you capture will be over-represented, so things you don't want to get associated with your subject should change in every shot. Always pick a new background, even if that means just moving a little bit to shift the background.
  • Super important - Pick a good Product type. Something broad that you could associate your subject with.
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